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ASNT ישראל

The Israel ASNT Section was founded in 1998. The reasons for its foundation were and still are to provide a basis for professional technical exchange by encouraging frequent interactions among its members who work in various organizations for the exchange and sharing of NDT technical information and experience; to promote the discipline of NDT as a profession; to assist in improving and to facilitate and promote NDT research and application of NDT technology.

The Israel section co-operates with the Israeli National Society for NDT (ISRANDT) in the organization of annual NDT conferences, seminars and meetings.

Any NDT professional is invited to become a member and to participate in our regular meetings and events. We encourage anyone involved in NDT field to take part in all major decisions that affect you and your NDT interests by contacting any of the committee members for additional information. Their details are on our contact page in this web site.

The Israel Section is dedicated to ASNT’s mission: to create a safer world by serving the NDT professions and promoting NDT technologies.

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