מכתבו של פרופ' גורקונוב שהתקבל אחרי הטקס המתייחס גם לנושאים שנידונו בינו לבין מר גבי שואף
Dear Gabi,
It was a great honour for me to receive from you the award nominating me Honorary Member of the Israeli NDT Society.
Of course, our meetings at conferences in Sozopol are memorable for me. I keep track of the activity of your Society and I do think much of it. At regular meetings of RSNDT, ISRANDT and BGSNDT (headed by Prof. Mihovski) many important issues were discussed, such as strengthening cooperation among the Societies, the necessity of applying non-destructive testing methods to the determination of the structure, physical-mechanical properties and residual lifetime of materials, joint training of NDT inspectors and mutual acceptance of certificates given out to them, elaboration of common principles for EFNDT and ICNDT activities, joint holding of conferences, and the Israeli party was quite instrumental in finding better ways of solving these problems.
As to the problem you raise – the application of non-destructive testing methods to fighting terrorism – it is very important, indeed. In many countries investigations are being pursued, but they are secret, as a rule.
I will try to consult with some people whether it is possible to organize an international initiative group engaged in developing the scientific methods of non-destructive testing as applied to detecting terroristic means.
My sincere hopes are to be helpful to the Israeli NDT Society and to contribute to the further strengthening of the ties among the Russian, Bulgarian and Israeli NDT Societies and all the regional societies included in ICNDT.
Wishing ISRANDT further success, as well as good health and every success to you, your family and all our mutual friends,
Yours sincerely,
E. Gorkunov,
RSNDT President